Malaria Dreams


I woke up in a cold sweat. Panicking.

An adorable carnivore climbed into our tent, slipped past the mosquito netting and into our bed… A predicament indeed.

Lolo woke up. She rolled over and hissed, “Honey, that’s Winston.”

Referring to our six-pound yorkie.

I’d been dreaming. It was 2AM. We’d been home 3 nights.

For twenty four days, I’d been on Malaria meds. Which had some interesting side effects on my dreams.

Malaria is ‘Latin’ for bad air and is transmissible through Africa’s most dangerous animal: The Mosquito.

The mosquito pitched a shutout on our trip. I couldn’t even swat one of the bastards. My batting average was 0.000.

Mosquito vs. PVW

My back was so pockmarked with bites, it resembled steroid acne. At least I had one thing in common with the great hitters of my generation. Bonds. Sosa. McGuire.

I’ve never taken Steroids knowingly.

Ten years ago, Max Muscle Jed (R.I.P?) sold me some things, that caused my bench to go from 225 to 315.

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My wild hormone swings and fifteen pounds of lean muscle begged to differ.


I’m a squid game diver, shooting my contemporaries in the Juice Business. I feel no guilt about the unjust taking of life. A mercenary calm washed over me.

This was another Malaria dream that revealed a seriously troubled subconscious. I need therapy.

I felt that way until my yoga teacher wife gave me the treacherous details of her Malaria Dream.

She was a serial murderer in her own Yoga themed Squid Game. I told her it’s normal. I told her I had crazy dreams too.

Thought, I did sleep with one eye open the next couple nights.

I had five or six other revolutionary Malaria Dreams that escape memory. As a hallucinogen, I can’t recommend the medication enough.

I fought the mosquito
The mosquito won.
That don’t mean it wasn’t fun

Garth, that was a Haiku.